Children of all ages are welcome to stop the frenzy for a moment and indulge in wonder and joy.

With love,
The Advent Angel
(or Elfie for those who know me best)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Spirit of Christmas

It is almost advent and I can't help but respond to the rhythm of rhyming as December 1st approaches. It is a season of hushed wonder, of mystery and joy. There is something stirring that is almost inexpressible.


You see, I have always had the best job in the universe. I am the Advent Angel, part of the choir on that starlit night in Bethlehem when time stood still and Jesus was born. My assignment has been to keep the Spirit of that night alive in the hearts of children everywhere.

For 11 months of Earth's calendar year I fill up my heart with the Christmas Spirit then during the month of December it all lets loose and spills out in rhymes every single morning from December 1st through Christmas!

Although I have many ways of spreading His message this is one of my favorites.
May I share it with you?

Every morning before the sun gets up there will be a message here. It will help you to keep your family focus where it belongs. It will kindle the magic and keep the Spirit of Christmas alive in a childs heart.

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