Children of all ages are welcome to stop the frenzy for a moment and indulge in wonder and joy.

With love,
The Advent Angel
(or Elfie for those who know me best)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The First Day of Advent

Good morning children far and wide,
I hope that you remember,
The Christmas Spirit came last night,
This first day of December.
I have a little task for you;
It’s not a big assignment.
It’s just that on the Yule tide month,
Our spirit needs alignment.
All hearts that have been given much,
And those who have no lack,
Need to turn the giver switch,
and learn to give it back.
There are many ways to do this.
And I’m sure you’ll fine a way,
To do a deed to bless someone,
Starting with today.


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