Children of all ages are welcome to stop the frenzy for a moment and indulge in wonder and joy.

With love,
The Advent Angel
(or Elfie for those who know me best)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

It’s December eleven,
And up here in heaven,
Excitement is starting to build.
For it’s only two weeks,
For us heavenly *geeks,
To prepare for our great celebration.

We’ll remember the night,
When our wings all took flight,
To watch as the king that we love,
Came to earth to be born
On a frosty cold morn,
To a mother who held him so tight.

And the reason for such,
Is He loved you so much,
And He wanted to love you forever,
So He came to be near,
All the kids He held dear,
And the hearts that He wanted to touch. 

*those of us who like to insult intended

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