Children of all ages are welcome to stop the frenzy for a moment and indulge in wonder and joy.

With love,
The Advent Angel
(or Elfie for those who know me best)

Monday, December 14, 2009

The story of Christmas comes to me,
Listen, and you may hear it,
I'm sitting out here in cyberspace,
And here comes the Christmas Spirit...
The night sky sparkled with the stars,
The air was still and chilly,
While sleepy shepherds huddled close,
Their sheep grazed on the hilly.

But soon the scene just split apart,
The sky was lit like candles,
And when those angels all appeared,
They shook down to ther sandals.

Ahhh then the angels sang a song,
It says ( I like this part),
Glory to our God above,
And peace within our hearts.

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