Children of all ages are welcome to stop the frenzy for a moment and indulge in wonder and joy.

With love,
The Advent Angel
(or Elfie for those who know me best)

Friday, December 25, 2009

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas eve

Dear girls and boys around the world,
It's a pleasure that I have been able,
To remind you each day of the heavenly way,
And the love of the babe in the stable.

It's hard to believe that its Christmas Eve,
Farewell now and God be with you,
I'm off now and breezin' till next Christmas season,
Merry Christmas to you and adieu.
I wish that I could google earth,
And click way back in history,
Then zoom a cave in Bethlehem,
To catch a little mystery.

God came to earth to be with us,
And yet he was a baby,
He felt the cold and prickly hay,
And even threw up - maybe.

I'd like to see the shepherds come,
And angels light the sky,
I'd like to watch his mother,
Sing a Christmas lullaby.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Friends like snowflakes

Good morning to Laura and Heidi and George,
Good morning to Silas and James,
Good morning Emilia and Lainie and Sky,
And to Zachary dear, a big "Hi".

And then there is Anya, Olivia, Kate,
And Kelly and Jonah and Paige,
Taylor and Gabri and Brendon and Jed,
And to all kids no matter what age,

Maddie and Sarah and Chloe and Luke,
McKenzie and Tucker and Jack,
Caleb and Emmy and Conner and Ben,
And Tucker and Ethan and Mack.

Glad tidings to Larkin and Lilly and Jess,
Everlea, Carrie and Tom,
Lets spread the good cheer for the rest of the year,
And give a big hug to your mom.

My energy's mounting as names I am counting,
You all are just warming my heart,
And you just never know with this ice and the snow,
What a mess of big puddles I"ll start.

Daniella and Ryan, Kiera and Tim,
Carrigan, Lexie and Lee,
Joe, Caledonia, Ian and Art,
Are all very special to me.

I'd like to keep going like flakes when it's snowing,
And name all my friends on the earth,
But I must move on before starlight is gone.
And spread all the joy and the mirth.

So carry on Peter and Julia and Dave,
Carry on and you'll always hear it,
It's a song in your heart that will never depart,
It's all part of the Christmas Spirit.

Monday, December 21, 2009


Sunday, December 20, 2009

The twinkling of the starlight,
The shining of the moon,
I love the lights of outer space,
I love to hear it's tune.

For angels fly in light years,
We ride the lights of time,
And it might take two thousand years,
To make a little rhyme.

I stood there by the shepherds,
And sang with all my might,
Then flew right back to Cozeytown,
To sing with you tonight.


Saturday, December 19, 2009

The carpenter's son

Joseph was a carpenter,
He probably fixed the manger,
And made it strong and sturdy,
For their brand new little stranger.

He knew just how to insulate,
His clever hands were able,
To place the hay to keep away,
The cold winds of the stable.

I'm glad God picked a carpenter,
To care for his own son,
He knew there'd be alot to do,
And he would get it done.

Why don't you draw a picture,
With details of the manger?
Let's see how you would make the bed,
To keep that boy from danger!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Twas the night before Christmas,
And all through the hay,
All the creatures just knew,
He would come the next day.

The cow in the stall,
Asked the dove in the rafter,
To give him a song,
That would fill Him with laughter.

And the dove in the rafter,
Said, "please, if you may,
Would mouse fill the manger,
with fresh and clean hay?"

The mouse turned around,
And said, "What do you say,
Fireflies join us,
And light up their way?

So they all did their job,
And they gave it their best,
To make their place nice for,
A heavenly guest.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

share your gift

It’s a gift we were given,
A gift to be free,
A gift to be living how we ought to be.
A gift to be thoughtful,
A gift to be kind,
A gift to think thoughts that don’t mess with your mind.
A gift that was given,
From heaven above,
To help us believe just how much we are loved.

lots of love

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

So what if the ornaments look kindof icky,
Or sap from the tree makes your fingers all sticky.
Or what if the kitty rips open a present,
Or ice and the cold doesn’t feel very pleasant?
There’s something that’s happening, something enormous,
It takes away frowns and it cheers and it warms us.
The angels all feel it, they're singing their hearts out,
It sounds pretty good since they've figured their parts out.
 I think they would like it if you sang along,
And added your voice to the heavenly throng.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas trees and toes that freeze,
How nice when it is snowing!
A biting breeze that makes you sneeze,
A nose that needs some blowing.

Stringing lights to tippy heights,
And hanging decorations,
Pretty sights and silent nights,
Are all in preparation.

A manger scene with cows serene,
And Mary kneeling closely,
A baby boy who brought such joy,
That's why we do this mostly.

love and joy

Monday, December 14, 2009

The story of Christmas comes to me,
Listen, and you may hear it,
I'm sitting out here in cyberspace,
And here comes the Christmas Spirit...
The night sky sparkled with the stars,
The air was still and chilly,
While sleepy shepherds huddled close,
Their sheep grazed on the hilly.

But soon the scene just split apart,
The sky was lit like candles,
And when those angels all appeared,
They shook down to ther sandals.

Ahhh then the angels sang a song,
It says ( I like this part),
Glory to our God above,
And peace within our hearts.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Candle light and Christmas trees,
And Christmas carols playing,
Angels in the manger scene,
Along with Mary praying.
Stars so bright and branches dark,
The trees are gently swaying,
Moving to the Christmas tune,
I wonder what they're saying...

love to you

Saturday, December 12, 2009

God was in his arms

Joseph, kind and brave and good,
Beneath the starlight humbly stood,
And cradled snug beneath his cloak,
The baby stirred and then He woke.

A longing stirred deep in his heart,
He had a job that he must start,
And so he sang a few sweet psalms,
And God was sleeping in his arms.

love love love

Friday, December 11, 2009


I think that I will always wonder,
What its like to travel under,
A star that guides my way to where,
I find the answer to my prayer.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Like snow that covers tree and ground,
And sticks with only wind for sound,
So comes the Spirit I have found,
Of Christmas all the world around.
I know that some can shake it off,
Or shrug or grump or even scoff,
But me...I'll don my hat and scarf,
And spread my arms to get enough!
And you , my friend, have such a way,
To spread the joy of Christmas day,
With all the things you do and say,
You show His love is here to stay.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Sleet and rain,
On the windowpane,
Windy, cold and slippy,
On nights like this,
I bet you wished,
You lived in Mississippi!

But I’ll admit,
Just a tiny bit,
It sparks my inner heartstrings,
To see the ground,
With shining crown,
That sparkles as the day springs.

Have a sparkly and wonder-filled day!
Love to you

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

It's the Christmas season,
And I love you all so much,
I hope you like your Christmas tree,
The lights, the stars and such.
And I know you love the story,
Because it tells the reason,
A cow gave up her feeding trough,
To start the Christmas season.

Monday, December 7, 2009

My cloud was far too comfy!

I blinked my eyes this morning,
A little slow on waking,
I took a stretch and then it hit,
Oh no! The dawn is breaking!!
So, I'm a little late today,
But now that I'm confessing,
I'll pray you'll get a double share,
Of all the Christmas Blessing!!!
Love and Cheer to you...

Sunday, December 6, 2009

If wishes were fishes,
And dreams were icecreams,
Then we'd never be hungry,
At least so it seems.
And if joy were a boy,
And love from above,
Then there'll always be Christmas,
...It fits like a glove.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

I flew across the land today,
Through clouds of snow all white and grey,
Past little towns by hill and bay,
To spread the joy of Christmas.
Now, you're the one that He adores,
All safe in bed behind the doors,
I'll just fill up that heart of yours,
With all the joy of Christmas.
I'll watch it do its job so good,
It always does just what it should,
And spreads around the neighborhood,
That special joy of Christmas.
Love to you

Friday, December 4, 2009


If you help mommy with the dishes,
And daddy with his stuff,
Help each other get your wishes,
And don't get in a huff,
Then the Christmas spirit's working,
And there's stardust in the air,
And the angels might be singing,
In their clean white underwear.
~~~ love love ~~~

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Gingerbread cookies,
And frosted green tarts ,
Are wonderful things,
for the edible arts.

And wouldn't you know,
That the harder I try,
I always get frosting,
above my right eye!

Then it gets in my shoes.
And I'm walking on sprinkles,
And wiping my hands,
On an apron that wrinkles.

But that's part of Christmas,
The mess and the labors,
The sharing of goodies,
With all of your neighbors.
Love you

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Twinkle twinkle Christmas star,
How I love it from afar,
Shining on the golden hay,
Where little baby Jesus lay.

Don't you wish that you were there,
To touch the little baby's hair?


The Christmas Spirit

The way my toes tingle this morning,
The way the wind sounds, can you hear it?
Makes me know it, my dear,
For it comes every year,
It’s the dawn of the Christmas Spirit.

It rises each day in December,
It lingers on chimney and steeple,
Then sprinkles it’s joys,
On the girls and the boys,
And enters the heart of the people.

And now in the hush of this morning,
Close your eyes soak it in, are you able?
You will feel mighty good,
And then do what you should,
For the love of the babe in the stable.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Advent whimsey

Elfie has been part of our family for over 30 years now. He first showed up when our girls were very little on an early morning one December 1st leaving a little gift behind in a homemade advent calendar. Since then he has never failed to show up and has even gained a bit of sophistication and prestige as our family has grown and the boys and then the grandchildren came along. He even showed up at preschool and would leave whimsical poetry at calendar time leading us through treasure hunts and always leaving a little gift of love behind.

His status has elevated a bit through the years also, that is...we have become more aware of who he is! We started out thinking he was just a little inconsequential elf but as the Christmas Spirit has grown in our hearts we realize there is more to this. We recognize him as an Advent Angel, full of all of the glad tidings of that morning in Bethlehem when all of the angels witnessed the real thing. And the real still here! The noise and the activity and the living of life can’t drown it out. We need to close our eyes and soak it in because it is beautiful. It is part of the magic before the dawn of time. It is the Christmas Spirit...

So, rather than communicating to loved ones through notes left on the counter Elfie is joining cyberspace and blogging the glad tidings starting December 1st to any children who might be interested, young or old. If you are looking for a little manger centered whimsey for your family you are welcome. Elfie posts before the sun gets up most mornings...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Spirit of Christmas

It is almost advent and I can't help but respond to the rhythm of rhyming as December 1st approaches. It is a season of hushed wonder, of mystery and joy. There is something stirring that is almost inexpressible.


You see, I have always had the best job in the universe. I am the Advent Angel, part of the choir on that starlit night in Bethlehem when time stood still and Jesus was born. My assignment has been to keep the Spirit of that night alive in the hearts of children everywhere.

For 11 months of Earth's calendar year I fill up my heart with the Christmas Spirit then during the month of December it all lets loose and spills out in rhymes every single morning from December 1st through Christmas!

Although I have many ways of spreading His message this is one of my favorites.
May I share it with you?

Every morning before the sun gets up there will be a message here. It will help you to keep your family focus where it belongs. It will kindle the magic and keep the Spirit of Christmas alive in a childs heart.